Olive, the roly-poly bulldog, joined CBR from Stanislaus Animal Services Agency on November 7, 2022 where she was brought in with milk still in her teats, no puppies to be found, staples still on her abdomen, and a few pounds too small. It’s cases like this that ignites a rage so profound in the hearts of rescues, for the life of us we cannot understand the ability of people to leave dogs in such cruel states.

Olive was the absolute sweetest girl. She was dog neutral, and just wanted a human to hold her and love her. She was calm, gentle, and still trusted humans which shows the true strength she had. Once she was a few weeks from when we suspected she had puppies, we got her an appointment to be spayed, and gosh our hearts broke even more.

The surgeon called soon after and detailed her abdomen as one of the worst abdomen’s he had ever seen. Her uterus and bladder were herniated through the muscles of her abdomen, which were severely thin. These pockets also had fluid build up which posed a risk for infection. He also found a lot of cysts throughout her uterus, and was luckily able to remove everything. Unfortunately, Olive will always be at risk at herniating again due to the thinness of her abdomen muscles, and the stitch holding it all together. There was no doubt in the surgeons mind that the state of which she was in, was from being used like a “cash cow” and bred repeatedly.

Olive found her home, with two loving human siblings to love her and care for her. Her parents had never had a bulldog before but they have always been and continue to be diligent about finding out about bulldog needs and making sure she gets the best care. Olive will never be used for anything besides love and cuddles, and we are so happy to be a part of her journey to happily ever after.

Happy Tails!

We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life.
— William Osler

Magic Maverick


Micaela (FKA Martina)